Every year on March 23rd, we celebrate this World Meteorological Day.

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World Meteorological Day 2024

World Meteorological Day is all about sharing knowledge, working together, and finding new ways to understand and predict the weather and climate for everyone’s benefit. It’s a reminder of the hard work scientists and experts do to make sure we’re prepared for whatever nature throws our way.

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World Meteorological Day 2024: Theme

The theme of World Meteorological Day 2024 is “At the Frontline of Climate Action”.

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World Meteorological Day 2024: History

World Meteorological Day has been around since 1950 when the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) was founded. It’s a day to celebrate the importance of weather science in our lives. Over time, this day has become a way to talk about weather issues and work together globally to understand and improve meteorological services.

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World Meteorological Day 2024: Significance

World Meteorological Day is really important because it’s a day when we all focus on how weather science affects our lives. This day shows us how weather services help in farming, flying safely, preparing for disasters, dealing with climate change and to understand the weather and make better predictions.

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World Meteorological Day 2024: Quotes

The atmosphere is our common heritage and our common responsibility. – World Meteorological Organization Weather is a great metaphor for life — sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad, and there’s nothing much you can do about it but carry an umbrella. Meteorology is a science; good meteorology is an art.

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Q. What is the role of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)?

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is responsible for promoting international cooperation in meteorology, climatology, hydrology, and related fields. It helps countries improve their meteorological services and exchange weather data.

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